Coral Reef

About for Cozumel Reefs

Cozumel is home to the second most important barrier reef in the world. It has an approximate extension of 12000 hectares, to the south and southwest of the island. These reefs are formed by millions of polyps, of which are divided into soft corals and hard corals. A great variety of Marine species live there, such as turtles, parrotfish sergeants, angelfish, manta rays, lobsters, moray eels, among others.
Among the most visited reefs are:

  • + Palancar
  • + Colombia
  • + Maracaibo
  • + Santa Rosa

Includes Tour

- Insurance
- Snorkel Equipment
- New Snorkel Tube
- 4 hours
- Bottle of Water
- Sodas
- Beers

Sanitizacion Boat

Appropriate sanitization and monitoring protocols are carried out to protect tourists and crew members.


Recommended to take to the tour:

- Cap pr hat
- Protective lycra
- Towel
- Sunglasses


Los arrecifes de Cozumel están dentro del área protegida de la CONANP, por lo tanto tenemos unas reglas que debemos respetar:

- Don´t touch the corals
- Forbidden use sunscream
- Don´t take sand or shells
- Forbidden to feed the marine fauna
- Stay a least 10 feets away from corals

Do you want to ask any questions about the tour or make your reservation, you can contact us and an operator will be able to contact you immediately.

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